Centre of the Chaos

Welcome Package - Downtime

Player Actions

Player actions are the player’s way of remaining active during the week. They are due on the Monday before the game by midnight; exceptions can be made for special events. Player actions are to be dropped off at 154 Langside or e-mailed to cliff_cotc@owbn.org.

Player actions should include the following:

XP spending:

Anything you spend XP on must be justified and explained in your player actions. Players are allowed to buy one of the following each month.

Influence actions:

This section should include any uses of influence, e.g.:

Information about any scenes that you have done between games:

Any scenes that you played out between the two games should be listed here. If we don’t find out a scene took place, it didn’t happen. Please tell the ST’s about out of game scenes in your player actions.

Please include the following details:

Short-term goals, if you have any:

Should your character have any short-term goals, list them here; also list what she has done towards achieving them. Short-term goals should take between 4 to 6 months, if not longer, to achieve.

Long-term Goals

Should your character have any long-term goals, list them here; also list what she has done towards achieving them. Long-term goals should take 6 months, or longer, to achieve.

What your character is doing between games:

List any actions taken by your character between games. Please be as detailed as you can with this. It saves us having to come back to you to get more information.

Examples of things you could be doing:

The list of things you can do goes on and on; be creative. As a general rule, the more things you do in between games, the more stuff you will likely have to do during the game.


We can’t be everywhere, private scenes can be missed by us, so please put them in your player actions so we know about them.

If you lost humanity, put that in your player action for our records.

Player Actions Example Sheet

Player Name: John Smith

Character Name: Collin Halls

Date From: September 11/1999

Date To: September 25 /1999

XP Spending:

Influence actions:

What your character is doing between games:

Short-term goals:

Between Game Scenes:


Welcome Package Index

[ Introduction ] [ The Traditions ] [ Back Story of the Game ]
[ What is the World of Darkness? ] [ E-mail Lists and Websites ]
[ Netiquette ] [ Character Creation ] [ What Is OWBN? ]
[ Strike System ] [ Experience Points ] [ Glossary ]